Yester Primary School is situated in eastern Scotland, nestling in the Lammermuir Hills. There are 150 pupils.
Tyssedal Primary School is situated in south west Norway, close to the town of Odda. Tyssedal is located in a charming environment between fjords and mountains. There are 72 pupils at the school this year.
Curriculum for Excellence
One of the aims central to our blog is that it will help our children to increase their ability to be successful learners - confident individuals - responsible citizens - and effective contributors. These are the four aims of A Curriculum for Excellence. A Curriculum for Excellence is central to the Scottish Government's 'Ambitious, Excellent Schools' reform agenda. The LTScotland website gives more details
A report of our blogging work is featured on LTS' website here.
International Education is something that Yester Primary school staff are very interested in developing. In the session 2007- 2008, Michael Purves registered with, an international organisation that helps schools from different countries make links with each other.
Yester linked with a Finnish primary school, Kuvansin koulu in the village of Kuvansi, close to Varkaus, and we started a project called A Healthy Passport, with the help of Jyrki Ikonen, the teacher in Kuvansi.
Over the course of the year, the two classes exchanged lots of details about the cultures in each country, and the project won acclaim, eventually being awarded 2nd prize in the annual UK eTwinning Awards Ceremony in June 2008.
Now, for 2009-2010, Knowing Me, Knowing You is one of several new blogs, linking Yester with various European Primary Schools, in order to increase our children's appreciation of European culture in general. Knowing Me, Knowing You links Yester's P3/4 class, with Tyssedal Primary School in Norway, and it's welcome again for the 2nd year to Mari Ek and her class!